Saturday, August 11, 2018


What's on my mind?
Mom...that's what. I don't think what she did tonite was appropriate at all! It certainly wasn't approved by AHS guidelines. 
She heard us yellin' in the backyard, so naturally she came out to investigate (interrupt). 
I was on one side by the hot tub, an' Lexie was on the other side of the yard by the orange trees. 
It rained this afternoon hard...a real frog strangler. It's done this for the last three days. Our backyard looks like a swamp w/all the standin' water. Mom keep having to check on the fish, so far they've stayed in the pond, lol.
Anyway.....she came to see what I was after on the fence. I'm not sure she was really concerned about that or the fact I was climbin' up in her pots to get to the fence. (well, they were in my way).
As soon she got there, I showed her where that big possum was. She got her stick an' poked hissed at her, so she poked it again.....then it took off down the fence an' hid behind some b'nana trees.....I was right there...about to launch myself up there an' grab it's tail. Lexie had abandoned her chase to join me.
Then it protocol.
She braced her lite w/her big stick...then gave that possum a shove. It climbed half up on top of the fence an' was reachin' for her stick.....she wasn't gonna let that happen. Lexie an' I were roarin' gave it another big' of all thin's....poked that possum right over the fence into Ginger's yard!
Heck! Ginger wasn't even out' I haven't certified her to deal w/big possums....those big ones have longer legs then she does!
Lexie an' I both put out noses to the bottom of the fence....then looked at' then even before she said anythin', we went back to the house.
When she followed us inside, she tried to make it sound like she had helped us by gettin' it off our fence. Whatever.....I know she tries...but I have to say her helpin' isn't always successful in our minds. We went to the kitchen, an' she gave us one of our treats (that's another thin'...they're an' dad don't even eat 'em...why do they hoard 'em like they do?). An' then she got herself a cookie. (you can imagine my thoughts on that).

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