Monday, April 13, 2015

Show Down at the Ok Corral.....

Show Down at the OK Corral...well, not exactly, more like the Battle of Waterloony.  Went out w/mom to check her greenhouse after the storm last night.  Everything seemed ok, to me.  It did to mom too, at first.  She didn't mind that lil' baby green dragon fly that buzzed her face before headin' outside when she opened the doors.  She even kinda liked it an' wished he had stayed in there.  She said hello to her lil' lizard that's been there all winter an' then checked her cucumbers.  They needed a lil' water, so she grabbed her hose.  I was checkin' out around the t'mater pots in the back, when everythin' just went crazy.  I couldn't get outa there fast enough.  Not sure how I got past her w/out goin' thru her, but I found myself on the outside lookin' in...then I decided to watch from the house.  This was a mom mission not one for AHS.  Not to mention her weapon of choice...well, lets just say I didn't want her to turn it on me for any reason.  Seems when she started waterin' her lil' cucumbers, some kind of big flyin' bug flew up.  Not sure if it was a beetle, horsefly, or wasp...but I do know it was somethin' on mom's hit list an' definitely persona non gratis in her greenhouse.  She put that hose on "jet" an' was chasin' him all over that greenhouse w/a blast of water.  Of course, what goes up must come down.  It was like a rain storm in there.  If she had had a lite saber instead of a water stream, it woulda looked like somethin' outa StarWars, w/it goin' this way an' that.   She finally convinced him to fly out an' away.  I was waitin' for her when she came in triumphant but a lil' soaked, an' all she had to say was, "now, I don't have to water the plants, but I need another cup of coffee...this one seems a lil' watered down."  An' she's always tellin' tales of our adventures, I'm goin' on record sayin' I didn't have nothin' to do w/this one.  I was expectin' a nice mornin' stroll around the yard. Ya' just never know what's gonna happen around here.....

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