Thursday, May 31, 2018

Coulda' Been a Excitin' Wake up.....

It coulda' been a lot worse, but mom says it may give her nitemares, lol.

Me an' Lexie like to wake mom up in the mornin' w/lil' kisses an' snufflin' to her face.....a paw to make her turn over, if she facin' the wrong way. An' all at what she considers a decent between 7:30 & 8 in the mornin'. 

Dad gets up before daylite, an' of course me an' Lexie get up w/him. We go out, do our thin'....maybe a lil' patrollin'..then we come back inside to nap till it's time to wake mom.

He don't like to turn on all the as not to wake mom. He'll let us out,then go to her computer to look at his email an' check to see what's happened overnite & drink his coffee. Then when we come back inside, he'll give us a lil' treat an' close Lexie's lil' door. (This is the new protocol mom put in place since the "neighborhood cat fiasco" happened before it was time for us to wake her up). 

Everythin' was goin' on like usual, this mornin'. Mom was asleep, dad got up an' let us out...he got his coffee & then sat down at the computer, leavin' the livin' room lites out. I came back inside.....after a lil' bit....Lexie came back inside.

She was headed towards the bedroom. As she rounded the coffee table, dad noticed she had somethin'.
He got up an' headed her' asked her what she had. Well, she sat down an' showed him......
She was carryin' a lil' possum. Guess she was gonna wake mom up w/a present, lol. 

Anyway, dad didn't have time to go get gloves or nothin'...but he had a treat waitin' for her (I already got mine), he grabbed that. She quickly traded her lil' possum for the treat & dropped it promptly on the livin' room floor.

Dad quickly picked it up by the end of it's tail an' headed out to that back corner by the field. About halfway, the possum decided to wrap his tail around dad's fingers for a more secure position, lol. Dad decided to walk faster an' then dropped it over the fence. 

When dad got back, Lexie was stretched out in his chair w/a big grin....I was layin' on my bed just thinkin' about the fallout if he had been in the shower when Lexie had come inside an' taken her "present" to mom, lol. 

After hearin' dad tell her about his mornin' an' her almost mornin' pointed her finger at Lexie an' told her "it had better not ever happen".....

Personally, I dunno......Lexie's under the impression that mom likes possums....otherwise, why would she pay her for them?

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